Outsourcing, consulting Software testing

A full cycle of services with a guarantee of quality for all work provided


Why is it beneficial?

Gradually, the distrust of external testing is disappearing, and more and more
companies prefer outsourcing. Why?

Here are our main advantages:


We work with professionals with extensive experience in the IT

Stability of cooperation

We are a responsible company that guarantees the work performed

The speed of work

Our professionals promptly fulfill your order

Cost savings

We have a distributed team of experts, so we are not tied to property rentals

Types Of Testing

Types & Levels of Testing

Functional testing

determines how correctly and fully the digital service performs the functions assigned to it (in the terms of reference).

Сonfiguration testing

for example, cross-platform or cross-browser testing is performed to test the operation of services (websites, mobile programs, etc.) on devices of different developers or in the environment of different programs.

Localization testing

are carried out to check the correctness of the translation and adaptation of local versions of sites and applications in accordance, for example, with language features, the specifics of national legislation or local character encoding features.

Security Testing

necessary to determine the degree of protection of a resource or service from hacker attacks, hacks, viruses, leaks of confidential information and personal data.

Interaction Testing

makes it possible to integrate a digital solution through its interaction with other programs or components. For example, you can check the possibility of exchanging voice data when connecting to a digital service via various communication channels - 4G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, wired Internet, etc.

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